
Love what you have, before life teaches you to love – tymmof


Life teaches us many valuable lessons in the process of living. Often, we fail to appreciate what we have in our hands until it slips away or becomes unavailable. This essay seeks to promote the importance of loving and cherishing what we currently possess before life teaches us to love and value it through difficulties and losses. As Tymoff wisely states, “love what you have, before life teaches you to love – tymoff.”

Appreciating Simplicities in Life

In our fast-paced world, we often overlook small yet meaningful blessings that bring joy and fulfillment to our days. Things like having a roof over our heads, clean drinking water, nourishing food, loving relationships, good health, and freedom are frequently taken for granted. We remain preoccupied chasing ambitions, comparing ourselves to others on social media, and longing for fancier and more luxurious possessions. However, true happiness stems from being grateful for basic comforts rather than constantly craving more. The following are some ways to start loving what you already have:

  • Make a daily habit of counting your blessings, however small they may seem. Appreciate something as simple as having clean clothes to wear or having your basic needs met.
  • Spend quality time with family and friends engaging in inexpensive yet memorable activities like long walks, cooking meals together, game nights etc. rather than always planning expensive getaways.
  • Focus on simple joys brought by nature like warm sunshine, blue skies, green trees rather than only seeking joy through material comforts and gadgets.
  • Practice contentment with your basic possessions and talents. We are often unhappy because we compare ourselves to others and desire what they have.
  • Express gratitude through letters, phone/video calls to loved ones for small acts of kindness they show rather than taking relationships for granted.

Developing an Attitude of Gratitude

Cultivating gratitude intentionally transforms our mindset and makes us cherish little blessings more. Here are some tips to develop deep gratitude:

  • Keep a gratitude journal listing 3-5 things you are thankful for each day, even on difficult days. This trains the brain to focus on positives.
  • Before sleep, recall 3 good things that happened during the day and how you experienced kindness. This improves sleep and perspective.
  • Say thank you often- to your partner, children, friends for little acts of service like making a meal or doing chores. Expressing thanks strengthens bonds.
  • Participate in community service to help those in need. Volunteering reminds us of privileges we enjoy and cultivates compassion.
  • Observe gratitude rituals with your family like writing thank you notes, sharing one thing you’re grateful for over dinner, keeping a gratitude jar etc. This passes on values to the next generation.
  • In difficult times, maintain a daily gratitude practice. Focusing on positives builds mental resilience against hardships.

So in summary, developing an attitude of thankfulness and celebrating small mercies in life with intention is key to truly loving what is currently available to us.

Valuing People In Our Lives

Many times we take our loved ones for granted assuming they will always be present, caring and supporting. However, life teaches us the harsh truth that nothing is permanent through unexpected losses. Appreciating people requires intentional efforts like:

  • Make quality time for relatives and close friends a priority despite busy schedules. Give undivided attention through face-to-face meetings, calls or virtual catch ups.
  • Express love and affection through hugs, “I love yous”, acts of service instead of only expecting it from others.
  • Listen without judgment and make others feel heard when they share problems. Offer help or a shoulder if needed.
  • Compliment others sincerely on achievements, personality traits and impact they have on our lives. People crave validation and recognition.
  • Forgive past hurts and resolve conflicts instead of holding grudges. Life is too short for bitterness which damages bonds.
  • Cherish memories created through conversations, activities or milestones together through photos, memory boxes etc.
  • Verbalize how important relationships are before it’s too late. Say thank you for little kindnesses shown.

Appreciating what we have currently prevents regrets later on. Loving people wholeheartedly while they are present nurtures meaningful connections.

Coping with the Inevitable Losses

Despite our best efforts, losses are an inevitable part of life’s journey. When difficulties do arise, the following tips can help cope in a healthy manner:

  • Allow yourself to grieve and feel sad. Resist comparing your loss with others or thinking it isn’t as big a deal. Grief has no timeline.
  • Lean on loved ones for emotional support through hugs, conversations or favorite activities together. Isolation prolongs sorrow.
  • Maintain daily routines as much as possible like meetings, exercise and meals for a sense of normalcy.
  • Focus on treasured memories with the lost loved one and keep their memory alive through photo displays, memory boxes etc.
  • Consider counseling or support groups when finding it hard to overcome intense emotions like anger, guilt or loneliness associated with grief.
  • Be patient and compassionate with yourself. Healing takes time. Don’t feel the need to rush through the grieving process and “move on.”
  • Nurture personal hobbies and community service which give life a sense of greater purpose beyond the loss experienced.
  • Maintain optimism believing that this experience will build inner strength and appreciation for life’s blessings.

In Conclusion

The harsh realities of life teach us the importance of loving what we have while we have it rather than taking it for granted. Developing daily habits of gratitude, cherishing relationships and coping positively with inevitable losses are important lessons. Let us start appreciating small mercies, people and health we currently possess before difficulties arise. Only then can we truly live joyfully making the most of each moment rather than waiting to love what has been taken away from us already.

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