Dealing with sexual harassment in Paramus: Seek legal help soon

Employees need a safe workplace where they can work without abuse, fear, or intimidation. Over the years, things have certainly progressed in the right direction, and yet, numerous cases of harassment, discrimination, and retaliation are reported every year in New Jersey. While there’s no comparison, probably the most horrible thing that can happen to an employee is sexual harassment. Victims include both men and women, although cases involving the latter are much higher. If you have been subjected to sexual harassment in Paramus, consider contacting the Law Offices of Usmaan Sleemi immediately. Here is a quick handbook on things that matter.
What is sexual harassment?
There are certain clear examples of sexual harassment, such as unwanted touching, pinching, and groping. However, it doesn’t mean that everything about a case has to be so overtly physical. In many cases, sexual harassment just means passing comments or verbal remarks. Other signs include displaying obscene pictures and videos, asking someone for a date, telling stories that are sexual in nature, or even threatening someone with action if they don’t agree to certain favors. Contrary to popular belief, sexual harassment cases don’t just involve people of the other gender. As a woman, you may face harassment or certain behavior from other women too, and your case is just as strong.
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Categories of sexual harassment
- The first one is called a hostile work environment. If you are being made to work in an environment that makes you feel uncomfortable and intimidated, it is a case of a hostile work environment. It could mean that a colleague is constantly talking obscene stuff next to your desk or sending unusual messages after work.
- The second one is quid pro quo sexual harassment. The Latin term means “this for that”. Such cases usually involve people who have power and authority over the victim. For example, if your supervisor says that you have to go out on a date or spend a weekend together to get a raise, you are a victim of sexual harassment.
Take the right steps for your case
In general, companies have an established system or protocol for reporting sexual harassment cases. You may file a written complaint with your manager or HR, and these details are usually included in the employee handbook. In such situations, employers are required to take appropriate action and should not retaliate against victims. However, the world is not perfect, and if your complaint was ignored or brushed under the carpet, you have to pursue legal action. Try to keep records of everything that concerns the case, such as text messages, emails, complaint copies, and other evidence.
Meeting an employment lawyer in Paramus
Many law firms offer free consultations for sexual harassment victims, and that’s a good place to start. Not all situations have the scope for a lawsuit, which is why meeting an attorney is critical. You want to be sure about the legal options and the possible outcomes. It is best to prepare for the first meeting so that an attorney can give you a fair assessment. Share every possible detail that matters, including how you reacted. Not all lawyers deal with sexual harassment cases, which is why it is best to choose someone who has prior experience and a proven track record.
Enduring harassment doesn’t yield or change anything, and even if one employee takes action, it often means other victims can also find the courage to speak. Make sure you select a local sexual harassment lawyer in Paramus who is available and doesn’t mind going all out while fighting for your rights and getting justice.